
I'm a mother of 4, grandmother of 2, soldier's wife, soldier, mother to 2 soldiers, mother inlaw to 2 soldiers, and shop owner. I love to design bags, refurbish furniture, decorate, sewing, gardening, painting, boogieboarding, shopping, spending time with family and laughing.
I enjoy warmth and the sight of rainbows make me feel happy and relaxed.
I own a shop on etsy;

At Thru D'lukinglass Bags we sell messenger bags, handbags

I welcome you to my shop and would love for you to check out my inventory. You may find something you haven't seen before or something useful.
Mahalo for you time.


Hair Accessories

Hair Accessories

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Custom Orders

I don't know if anyone is even reading my blogs.
Really new at this site and haven't quiet figured out if there's a way to know if I'm getting anyone reading my stuff.
But just in case.
I take custom orders on banners.
Welcome baby
Welcome home military
Names for child's bedroom
and whatever else you can think of

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